Sunday, June 20, 2010

Week 11 - 14th-19th June 2010

I left 2 more weeks in MMHE yet I'm still learning something new everyday. Busduct vendor, Mr. Roger arrived from Belgium. His job here is to make sure that all the busduct joints are casted properly and the connections are in good shape. Some new knowledge from client on the Star-Delta connection based on this project design and needs. Casting the busduct joint requires Beto-Iso-Mix. Vendors from TriSystems came to do some settings and also testing on the hydrogen detector meter in battery room. It is more to instrument department. 3rd HSE Day was celebrated for the 5 million manhours without LTI. MSF was packed with activities like lighting and socket outlet testing. Water maker pump for solo-run test was not left out too. Module 6 went for weighing on Friday evening as a preparation before it gets sail away by the end of August. Saturday was as usual with the housekeeping day. Busduct casting still in progress and final test will be done tomorrow (Sunday).

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