Sunday, April 25, 2010

Week 3 - 24th April 2010

Saturday are as usual fill with housekeeping, checking status and find errors at site areas. Pay a visit to Gas Turbine Generator (GTG). Add some signings for Junction Box and Heater.

Not safe !!



Solar Turbines - GTG

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Week 3 - 23rd April 2010

After so long, finally padlock task was done. Sorting it accordingly. 300 padlocks are not too many but also not too little. Mr. Amrom came to me and offered me some knowledge that very useful (Megger Test). Went for a course by TRITAN regarding the product we purchased from them (VIBROTIP DATA COLLECTOR).

Friday, April 23, 2010

Week 3 - 22nd April 2010

Today i was given a task by Ms. Yusliza to sort out all types of panels in TBCP-A. Resumed doing padlock task from yesterday. Later evening was a little bit free, so had a chat with Mr. kamal. He's very experience, been to offshore before and very knowledgeable. Taught me how soft starter panel (SSP) works also how to conduct testing on it.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Week 3 - 21st April 2010

After the toolbox meeting, witnessed module 6 upper deck installation. Also visited client's office, Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd to obtain types of circuit breakers but blackout. Too bad, better luck tomorrow. Resumed padlock task from 1st week. In the evening, visited module 2 where compressor is allocated with supervisor Mr. Kamal.

Module 6 upper deck installation

Module 1 from Module 2

Compressor's location

Compressors (cannot open-client's requirement)

Padlock task (LOTO System)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Week 3 - 20th April 2010

Performed barricade for danger and no-entry area. I also attended Permit To Work (PTW) meeting at PMT office. I was brought there by supervisor, Mr. Farid for experience. In the meeting, all discipline including sub-con's supervisor will be there to voice out any problem and find the best solution to overcome it.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Week 3 - 19th April 2010

I was required checked each module's calculation, formula and update the status to supervisor. Also updated cable schedule for today's work before lunch. After the lunch, did label or signings notification. The label is used for caution of underground cabel.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week 2 - 17th April 2010

As it was raining heavily yesterday, all of us required to do housekeeping at the site. Later on, I went for a walk in MSF, Switchgear room in module 6 and CCR room in module 7. I was briefed on how each cable was connected and from which source to its destination. Here are some pictures of MSF environment.

Housekeeping in progress


Supervisors are giving orders to sub-con

One of a room in LQ

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Week 2 - 16th April 2010

What a bad day as it was raining heavily the whole day. Therefore, I stayed in the office to do documentation and revised for previous projects on how testing and commissioning are conducted.

View from Office

Friday, April 16, 2010

Week 2 - 15th April 2010

After the toolbox meeting, visited Module 3 again and witnesses the testing and energizing of MCC-7810 being offered client.

Module 3

Date to offer testing/energizing circuits to client

Technicians preparing while waiting for client

Clients (Mr. Zulkipli & Mr. Izrul) acknowledging the testing

I also asked supervisor about the steps or procedures to conduct testing or energizing.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Week 2 - 14th April 2010

On the fine sunny morning, I had brought to visit Module 6 until 11.30am. In Module 6, i was briefed by supervisor Mr. Farid regarding what is in it and how it works. Module 6 is like the "heart" of the whole "Tangga Barat Control Processing" unit. Also visited Module 3 a while.

Normal VS Emergency Light

LOTO system

EDG (Emergency Diesel Generator)

Switchgear Panel

Starters panel

After lunch, I studied all the plan related to Module 6 and asked question about the switchgear room in Module 6. Performed lighting cable schedule for all modules and identify each cables and separate it according to it's usage. Also generate formulas to calculate the percentage of completion.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Week 2 - 13rd April 2010

Had a toolbox meeting at site area at 7.45am with all the sub-contractors. After the toolbox meeting, I enter site for the first time. It's a whole new experience to me. I visited Module Supporting Frame (MSF). By visiting MSF and referring to the layout plan and components inside of it, i get a better view also better understanding of MSF. I was brought to the other modules.

On the way to site for toolbox meeting

Side view of MSF

One of the Junction Box (JB) at MSF

View of Module 7 (Living Quarters)

Switchgear Room in Module 6

Air Circuit Breaker used in Switchgear Room

I studied back the diagram of MSF and also the cable schedule of MSF and its relation. Besides that, I also did some documentation and updating cable schedule from the report of technicians.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Week 2 - 12nd April 2010

Had a toolbox meeting at 7.45am. After the toolbox meeting, I had 1 hour safety introduction briefing by Mr. Abu Bakar regarding the safety and precaution procedures about "Tangga Barat" project. I obtained a sticker by attending the safety talk which will stick at the safety helmet. This sticker acts as a permission to enter the site area.

After that, I studied each module's documentation including the flow diagram, single line diagram, power, control, heater, lighting, small power cable and types of circuit breakers. Also, did some preparations before entering site tomorrow.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Week 1 - 10th April 2010

I continued updating the document on modules from time to time also performed labelling on locks and keys for circuit breakers. Approached by Mr. Abu Bakar, he explained to me about "Log Out Tag Out (LOTO) System". It is a very important procedure when anyone is working alone. Without implementing this step, one may result in serious injury or death. Mr. Abu Bakar also told me that i will go through a safety induction talk with a safety officer before I am allowed to enter site.

Examples of LOTO System

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Week 1 - 9th April 2010

After the toolbox meeting, I had some discussion with Mr. Farid and he told me all his 12 years of experiences in oil and gas sector regardless of onshore or offshore. Later on I am back to office to update data on each modules and performed checking on each formulas to ensure that it is functioning properly. I also did labelling on locks and keys for circuit breakers.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Week 1 - 8th April 2010

Had a toolbox meeting at 7.50am. After the toolbox meeting, I continued to work on documentation for cable schedule. I was required to generate formulas for each modules of percentage completion.

I did some research on types of circuits breakers that used in this project. There are 4 main types such as Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB), Air Circuit Breaker (ACB), Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) and Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB).

Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)

Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB)

Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB)

Air Circuit Breaker (ACB)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Week 1 - 7th April 2010

I had a toolbox meeting with everyone that involved in "Tangga Barat" project. A small discussion is required to be held every morning to discuss about previous day's work and work needed to be achieved today. After the toolbox meeting, I followed one of the supervisor, Mr. Farid back to the office.

I was taught how to perform cable schedule analysis and keying all the data into excel file. Also, I was explained about the power control, small power and lighting control accordingly to the sketch at each modules and MSF.

Performing cable schedule analysis

I obtained result from yesterday safety introduction talk, passed with 45/50.

Continued working on cable schedule analysis. I also did the preparation on padlocks, labelling to it on each locks and keys. This is to lock all the circuit breakers and to avoid it from energized by unauthorized people. Overtime till 10.00pm.