Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Week 2 - 13rd April 2010

Had a toolbox meeting at site area at 7.45am with all the sub-contractors. After the toolbox meeting, I enter site for the first time. It's a whole new experience to me. I visited Module Supporting Frame (MSF). By visiting MSF and referring to the layout plan and components inside of it, i get a better view also better understanding of MSF. I was brought to the other modules.

On the way to site for toolbox meeting

Side view of MSF

One of the Junction Box (JB) at MSF

View of Module 7 (Living Quarters)

Switchgear Room in Module 6

Air Circuit Breaker used in Switchgear Room

I studied back the diagram of MSF and also the cable schedule of MSF and its relation. Besides that, I also did some documentation and updating cable schedule from the report of technicians.

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