Sunday, May 2, 2010

Week 4 - 26th-30th April 2010

Week 4 was getting more challenging. It started off with Mr. Shahrizal visiting MSF and switchgear room. Did researched on types of circuit breakers and it's usage. Visited MSF again to see the defect of air compressor and technicians are working on it. At the same time Mr. Azhari briefed me on the flow of air compressor and dryer. Being exposed to "RCCB Digital Tester" while offering testing to client. It's used to check continuity test as well as tripping time test. Learned little bit skill of glanding cable. Had opportunity to witnessed "Torque Check" on busbar followed by "Ducter Test" to check the resistance between joint to joint of busbar. Readings below 10 micro Ohm are consider good.

RCCB test at Module 3 with client

RCCB test at MSF

RCCB Digital Tester

Briefing before Torque Check & Ducter Test


Torque Check Tool

Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeter

Mr. Farid & Mr. Kamal showing the steps to perform Ducter Test

Bad day @.@

Blackout at switchgear room

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