Monday, May 24, 2010

Week 7 - 17th-22nd May 2010

Toolbox meeting for T&C and PMT will be separated from this week onwards. I get to learn types of starters in module 6 and how to differentiate it. Mr. Kamal took the effort to explained more detail about DOL starter by referring to single line diagram. There were "Torque Check" through out this whole week. I involved myself in placing GENSET to know the preparations and procedures. Voltage Stabilizer had some voltage drop in the output. Tried to find the fault with technicians. From there I again exposed to new items, True Clamp Meter where current inside a cable can be measure easily. Supervisor finally allowed me to perform Ducter Test. Meanwhile I learned how to use Torque Check equipment from other technicians. Followed Mr. Shahrizal to find fault for RCU panel after receiving report from technicians. Went around with Mr. Suhaimi to check lighting status as preparations to offer testing to client.

Star-Delta connection

Soft Starter Panel for 6.6kV Switchgear

Direct On Line (DOL) Starter


GENSET (green-temporary generator)

Finding fault in voltage stabilizer

True Clamp Meter

Mr. Kamal, Mr. Shahrizal & Mr. Suhaimi

RCU panel

Checking lighting status (Mr. Suhaimi)

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